Bachelor's & Master'sThesis
+ Pearson, J.N., 1997. Kinematics and kinetics of the Taekwon-do turning kick. B. Phys. Educ. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.-------------------------------------------------
Research Articles
+ Bercades, L.T. & Pieter, W., 2007. Un análisis biomecánico de la patada descendente modificada de Taekwondo. Rev. Artes Marciales Asiáticas 2, 28-39.-------------------------------------------------
+ Finkenberg, M.E., DeNucci, J.M., McCune, E.D., & McCune, S.L., 1992. Analysis of the effect of competitive trait anxiety on performance in Taekwondo competition. Perceptual & Motor Skills 75, 239-243.
+ Feehan, M. & Waller, A.E., 1995. Precompetition injury and subsequent tournament performance in full-contact Taekwondo. Br. J. Sports Med. 29, 258-262.
+ Melhim, A.F., 2001. Aerobic and anaerobic power responses to the practice of Taewkon-do. Br. J. Sports Med. 32,231-235.
+ Oh, H.-J., Hannon, J.C. & Banks, A., 2006. Teaching Taekwondo in physical education: incorporating the color belt system. Strategies (J. Phys. Sport Educ.) 20, 15-19.
+ Pedzich, V., Mastarelz, A.& Urbanik, C., 2006. The comparison of the dynamics of selected leg strokes in Taekwondo WTF. Acta Bioeng. Biomech. 8, 1-9.
+ Bridge, C.A., Jones, M.A., Hitchen, P. & Sanchez, X., 2007. Heart rate responses to Taekwondo training in experienced practitioners. J. Strength Condition. Res. 21, 718-723.
+ Singh, D.K., 2012. Effect of resistance training and plyometric training on explosive strength in adolescent male Taekwondo players. Int. J. Behav. Social Move. Sci. 1, 49-56.
+ Mihaela, P., Gabriela, G., Catalin, P., Gabriel, P., & Nicolae, E., 2013. Relationship between general intelligence and motor skills learning specific to combat sports. Procedia, Social Behav. Sci. 84, 728-732.